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Saturday, September 30, 2006

remember god?

The Gift-giver is greater than the gifts-given.

Friday, September 29, 2006

handle with care

Truth is like a sharp, double edge knife without a handle. It will cut him who holds it as easily as the one he hopes to cut.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

love at hand

Getting older I sought peace more than love only to find love was at hand all along.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

self-serving assumptions

Opinionated people base their judgments on self-serving assumptions.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

understanding others

Incongruent behavior and words yield insight into purpose and motivation by first placing attention on the behavior.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Sacrifice doesn't take anything.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

natural contemplation

Leaves and branches sway -
The tree remains still.

There's contemplation in this.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

think on

Think your blessings came with a condition to be arrogant, rude, haughty, or selfish? or enjoy a sense of unique superiority? Such privilege born of blessing ~ an interesting concept. Think on.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Be to brightness
a companion of night
Be to darkness
a companion of light

Sunday, September 17, 2006

the write impact

[on a whimsy]

What's in a name? Reputation. Purple Cow PR has earned a solid reputation for being open and responsive, pragmatic, results driven, and radically innovative. As one observer remarked, 'Purple Cow PR doesn't pursue results. It makes them.'

As Croatia's powerhouse public relations and communications agency, Purple Cow PR is acknowledged as an achievement leader in substantive client outcomes. The engine that drives our success is senior veteran savvy and expertise blended with the top young, public relations specialists in the industry.

Providing an unmatched spectrum of agency services, from business, not-for-profit, and government public relations to high-profile communications and crisis management, Purple Cow PR's accent is on service, proactive and responsive strategic counsel, and innovative programs with measurable outcomes and distinguished results.

'Purple Cow PR doesn't pursue results. It makes them.'

Total internal collaboration is at the heart of Purple Cow PR's efforts on behalf of each client. We don't relegate some clients to junior and delegate other clients to senior agency members. Each client has our agency's entire attention and collective intelligence.

We don't think inside or outside the box. We don't nudge the box or shift it from here to there. There is no box. Each client's interest is articulated in a field of communication dynamics and relationships, where each message is tailored, each communication strategy is crafted, for impact and results - enhancing reputation, the bottom-line, or protecting in a critical moment.

Offering unmatched insight and knowledge of the Croatian market across all business and industry sectors, Purple Cow PR has the uncanny ability to immediately focus on the relevant.

With a rich network of local and international strategic partners, we can assemble teams that will advance organizations' agendas, goals, and major initiatives within Croatia or across borders. Our strategic partnerships effectively complement our service, together delivering line of sight, high performance outcomes equal to Purple Cow PR's standards and exceeding client expectations.

Running through Purple Cow PR's record agency performance is a simple core principle. We do for each client what we'd expect as a client - the very best from the very best.

What's in a name? Reputation. Purple Cow PR.


tko smo mi?

Što je u imenu? Ugled. Agencija Purple Cow PR stekla je solidan ugled zbog otvorenosti i responzivnosti, pragmatičnosti, vo?enosti rezultatima i radikalnom inovativnošću. Kako je jedan promatrač primijetio: "Agencija Purple Cow PR ne teži rezultatima. Ona ih stvara."

Kao agencija za odnose s javnošću i komunikacije "Hrvatske elektroprivrede", Purple Cow PR priznata je kao vodeća u postignućima istinskih rezultata svojih klijenata. Stroj koji pokreće naš uspjeh jest mudrost i ekspertiza naših veterana koje se skladno uklapaju s najboljim mladim stručnjacima za odnose s javnošću u industriji.

Jamčeći neusporediv spektar usluga koje agencija pruža, od poslovnih, neprofitabilnih i vladinih odnosa s javnošću do visoko profiliranih upravljanja komunikacijama i krizama, naglasak agencije Purple Cow PR jest na usluzi, proaktivnom i responzivnom strateškom savjetovanju, te inovativnim programima s mjerljivim rezultatima.

U srcu napora agencije Purple Cow PR za svakog pojedinog klijenta jest potpuna unutrašnja suradnja. Ne upućujemo jedne klijente mla?im, a delegiramo druge starijim članovima agencije. Svaki klijent ima potpunu pažnju i kolektivnu inteligenciju naše agencije.

Ne razmišljamo unutar ili izvan "kutije". Ne guramo niti prebacujemo "kutiju" s jednog mjesta na drugo. Ta, "kutija", ne postoji. Interes svakog klijenta rasčlanjen je na području komunikacijske dinamičnosti i odnosa gdje se kroji svaka poruka i izra?uje svaka strategija, komunikacija za učinak i rezultate ? poboljšavajući ugled, krajnji smisao, ili štiteći ga u kritičnom trenutku.

Nudeći neusporediv uvid i poznavanje hrvatskoga tržišta kroz sve poslove i industrijske sektore, Purple Cow PR ima izvanrednu sposobnost u istom se trenutku fokusirati na najbitnije.

S bogatom mrežom lokalnih i internacionalnih strateških partnera, u mogućnosti smo sastaviti timove koji će unaprijediti programe rada, ciljeve i glavne inicijative organizacije unutar Hrvatske ili izvan njenih granica. Naša strateška partnerstva djelotvorno upotpunjuju našu uslugu, zajedno dajući jasno vidljiva, visoko učinkovitia rješenja koja su jednaka standardima Purple Cow PRa i prelazeći očekivanja naših klijenata.

Pri pregledu agencijskih izvedbi nalazimo jednostavnu jezgru temeljnog pravila agencije.

Za svakog klijenta činimo ono što bismo mi očekivali da se učini za nas kao klijente – najbolje od najboljih.

Što je u imenu? Ugled. Purple Cow PR.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


If you want good memories, make good decisions.

Friday, September 15, 2006

do you believe in magic?

One may as well stand at the pantry door waiting for supper to come out to the table, as to wait for one's gifts to manifest without work.

Monday, September 11, 2006

irritating truths and pleasing lies

Better the company of irritating truths than pleasing lies.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

increasing law

The more laws the more punishment. The novelty of solutions is diminished. Wisdom fades, compassion wanes, and justice becomes a burden to the people.

Friday, September 8, 2006

"i can't"

"I can't" is something you do in the toillete.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

past acts

Past acts are the present's refuse. No man need keep husks to enjoy his corn, nor dine on the threshing floor to enjoy his bread.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

the beauty of it

Beauty needs character
but character need not beauty.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

we're the tailor

How can God put on us if we don't fit him?

Monday, September 4, 2006

the company question

I am well below the threshold of guile and candidly confess that there are times when for the first time in the company of another I ask myself this question: 'would I want this person as a neighbor?'

Sunday, September 3, 2006

the worst loneliness

To feel without while being within, to belong and not be valued, is the worst loneliness.

Saturday, September 2, 2006

rock in the goose down pillow

The corporation had been too long in grave financial trouble. Eventually the board did what it must do and sacked the CEO.

After scouring for the best candidate they could find, the board hired a new CEO. The new CEO was a soft spoken, pleasant man, who, with a number of changes, quickly made his mark in the C-suite. One change was a highly progressive open door policy, where anyone in the company was welcome to speak with him in his office.

But it wouldn't be long before the entire company was abuzz about one conspicuous item in the CEO's office.

Hanging on the wall behind his desk was a very, very large, beautifully framed, magnificently designed graphic that read:

In controversial moments
My judgements rather fine,
I always see both points of view,
The one that's wrong and mine.

. . . . .

Friday, September 1, 2006

a child builds love

A mother's love provides the cornerstones, a father's love the keystone, to the arch of love a child builds.